HESA Data Futures for 4.42
The following changes have been made to the HESA Student-Data Futures module for 4.42:
Use of HESA Data Futures is controlled by the EBS4HESAALT licence.
A large number of updates have been made to the front and backend of ebs to facilitate the completion of the HESA Student Data Futures return.
REST services added for creating and updating HESA unit instance module settings.
The People (PUT) and People (POST) REST services have been updated to include the SOC202 field.
Institutions can now access the HESA output function to generate a HESA output file.
In Unit Instance details HESA Course Roles are now enabled for HESA Level 1 courses. This field is a text field to allow entry of either a UKPRN or one of the following generic values
5043 - Other UK private body
5044 - Other UK public body
5057 - Overseas organisation
In Unit Instance details the HESA return tab has been renamed to HESA Student. Inside the tab the following naming changes have been made
Course Aim is now Qualification Category.
Student Instance FTE is now Student Load.
Year of Course is now Programme year.
In Unit Instance Occurance Details inside the Fees screen in Curriculum you can choose which fees are to be included in the HESA return.
In Learner Details a new field SOC2010 Code has been added to the HESA Only Details section.
In the Learner Details screen, a new option HESA Language Proficiency has been added. This gives access to a grid allowing for multiple entries to be made.
On the enrolment details screen it is now possible to select multiple funding body options.
In Enrolment details the HESA Financial Support tab is now against HESA LEVEL 2 courses, not Level 1.
Updates in SP1
HESA DF output has been updated to include off venue activities. This includes the following fields:
Off venue activity identifier (OVAID)
Activity duration amount (ACTDURATION)
Activity duration type (ACTDURATIONTYPE)
Activity end date (ACTENDDATE)
Activity start date (ACTSTARTDATE)
Activity type identifier (ACTTYPEID)
Country (COUNTRY)
Host identifier (HOSTID)
Host identifier type (HOSTIDTYPE)
Mobility scheme (MOBSCHEME)
Module instance identifier (MODINSTID)
An Off Venue Activities tab has been added to the enrolment details screen. This tab is only active for HESA level 2 and 3 courses.
Reference data fields have been added to allow the input, update and maintenance of data required by HESA. The following data sets have been added:
Care Leaver
Credit Scheme
Gender Identity
Parental Education
Sex Identifier
Sexual Orientation
Socio-Economic Classification
Highest Qual on Entry
For Welsh and UK institutions a Scottish Candidate Number field has been added to the learner details screen.
Welsh institutions can now classify HESA codes to grades using any award scheme. This is done through reference data.
Welsh institutions can now access the HESA output function to generate a HESA output file.
Updates in SP2
The Enrolment (PUT) and Enrolment (POST) REST services have been updated to include the many new required fields.